Adventures on Phu Quoc and the trip home
- By Daniel
- 2010-05-21 23:05:00-0700
On May 20 Tien and I woke up on the island of Phu Quoc, went downstairs for breakfast and then took the moto out to have a look around the town. We bought a proper swimsuit for her, some sunscreen, and tried to find me a helmet, which is a continual failure.
Right as we were coming around the corner to one of
the shops a puppy got run over by a motorbike that broke it's leg. The
dog lay in the street yelping for a few minutes as we all looked in with
pity before a little girl came and helped the dog back to her shop. Tien
and I went to the shop to buy stuff and the poor puppy looked so sad,
yelping and crying and looking around scared. Poor thing. At least he
was alive though, and not being eaten.
Back at the hotel Tien and I prepared to go back down to the beach to go swimming, but as we were leaving the hotel staff asked us why we weren't going to bai sao, the prettiest beach on the island. It was 45 minutes away by moto, down the road we had taken the previous night. We decided to head there instead, which was a fantastic change of plans.
Once we got past the construction and
actually by the coast it was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't believe
how vivid the colors were. The ocean was emerald and blue all the way to
a crisp horizon. The water was calm and reflected the large billowing
clouds in the true blue sky. Our motorbike was pretty good and had the
larger tires so it handled well on the dirt roads. There were some rough
places though, like a bridge with huge gaps between the metal plates
that covered the construction going on below.
We found our way to a little resort by the beach where we ran into the man who rented us our motorbike. He gave me a keychain, which I thought was strange before Tien told me it was the same guy. We also ran into a girl from Tiens village who was working at the resort. She sometimes shopped at Tiens family's store, and now we were buying beach towels from her.
The resort was a tropic paradise with clear waters on white sand, slow rolling waves over shallow waters that extended beyond a hundred meters. The water was warm, and later got hot enough that we had to swim way out to find the cool patches.
We rented two beach chairs and go. A menu. A little puppy came wandering up and we played with it a little before leaving it at the waters edge where it was scared of the waves.
We swam in the shallows, most of the time
less than a meter deep. I swam way out to find some deep water but ended
up just getting stung on my foot four times while checking if I could
feel the bottom. Even where it was six feet deep I wore my sunglasses
because the water was clear and calm enough that I was t worried about
losing them.
We grabbed the cameras and waded out to take photos, not scared of submerging them in the shallows, then went back to the shore for ice cream and cold beer. After a few hours we decided to get a real meal elsewhere, and as we were leaving I saw a sick man throwing up. I was glad not to know whether it was the food.
Tien and I headed to a stream that was supposed to be beautiful, but when we got there it was all dried up. With that we decided to just grab lunch a the hotel and ended up napping the rest of the day away.
May 21 we woke up to rainy weather and ended up staying
inside sorting through photos as we waited to leave. On the boat back to
the mainland we played ipad games, listened to music while it rained and
sometimes thundered out on the distant ocean. We also passed an island
with a big white statue that looked like a saint next to what looked
like temple gates.
The scattered rain kept up as we caught moto taxis to a bus station. I'm always glad the rain in SE Asia is warm.
We ate and had coffee while waiting for the bus. A woman let her child stand up on the motorbike to pick frui. From a tree. A girl came by wearing a shirt that said "Product Bros."
The bus we caught was a big badass that everybody moved over for. Inside was a movie about children doing Kung Fu. Movies where kids do adult things like fight biker gangs and seduce bikini clad babes drive me crazy.
We switched buses in LX and were dropped off right in front of Tiens parents house, then retired to thus house where we had dinner and slept in our familiar bed.