My 39 hour day
- By Daniel
- 2009-08-04 23:08:00-0700
By the time Monday morning rolled around I had slept away over half of my weekend while doped up on NyQuil and Imodium. I was finally starting to feel better on Monday, so much so that I decided I was well enough to drive to CO. I think I may have said goodbye to Brianna and Lily while I was still asleep, but Terresina was still there. She was sick too, from a night of drinking. I gave her my sympathies and a farewell and headed out to have lunch with Rob. It was a glorious San Francisco day that made me not want to leave, but I did.
At 3:30pm I headed off across the Bay Bridge. It had been so long since I'd seen it and they had done a significant amount of work on the eastern span in the time I was gone. I'd really love to photograph it during construction. You can't even see it when you're driving because the barriers on the side of the bridge are so big. I was soon off into the hills with the windows down and the music up and began enjoying my drive quite a bit. I remembered other times I'd taken that drive, particularly July 2nd a few years ago when I left at the same time of day to drive all night by myself as I was doing again.
I had been traveling to new places for so long and experiencing new things that I hadn't had much time to let things settle in properly, but as I drove over Donner Pass this began to happen. The familiar feelings of the mountains and the open road were great and helped me sort through some unsettled thoughts in my mind.
I caught a scent in the air that reminded me of Double Dragon.
The sun set as I passed through Reno without stopping; the light was beautiful. I continued thinking about the past. I began thinking about all of the other drives I'd done between San Francisco and Colorado Springs. The trip when Andreas hit the rabbit in the middle of the night on the ice. The trip when Zach and I had to drive hundreds of miles through a snow storm and had to sleep in my car at a rest stop in the middle of Wyoming. The night I drove it alone in my convertible with the top down. The time Fava and I drove out together and he drove back alone. The time when Shawn, Beth, Jeff and I picked up the hitch hiking pro mountain boarder in who had run out of gas in the middle of Utah in the middle of the night. The time I flew to Salt Lake and Vince picked me up and we drove back on the snow in his Legend. The time we got lost on our detour to Las Vegas. The time we all laid down at the side of the highway and gazed at stars. The time Olivia hit a dead deer with my car. The trip when Gabe and I stopped frequently to take photographs.
Yeah, I've done this drive a lot. I just wish it was shorter than 1300 miles.
At about 8:45 PST I was cruising along listening to Rancid and I noticed I was feeling really good health-wise, like I was going to be well very soon. I felt awake and on my game for the first time since leaving Japan. Just as I was realizing this I saw lightning strike way in the distance ahead of me, and just after that I saw a meteorite shoot across the sky towards the sunset. I wondered if the Perseid meteor shower was coming soon.
Tuesday morning at 1:30am PST I was greeted at the Utah border with a sign telling the death toll of I-80 for 2008 and so far in 2009. As beautiful as it is, Utah has never seemed all that welcoming, and it's things like this that really highlight that fact.
At 2:40 I saw another meteorite as I was looking for a gas station. Salt Lake City has hidden its gas stations but I used my GPS to find one that was a mile off the highway, exactly where it shouldn't be. It was closed. I found another one though, and then found my way back to the highway with my GPS telling me turn right, turn left, recalculating. As I got onto the highway it said told me to continue driving for 430 miles. So I did.
As the sun was peaking over the horizon I came upon
a wind farm in Wyoming. I pulled over to photograph it and was delighted
to find a dirt road that led me nearby the bases of the windmills, so I
spent a long time photographing them. The sun was well above the horizon
when I left to find breakfast in a nearby town. The coffee I got with
breakfast was terrible though and I was nearly out of gas so I stopped
again and got some snacks for the road and good coffee. This little
convenience store that was tucked away outside of town was convenient
indeed as it was the first place to offer truly free wifi. I caught up
with some friends and told Nate that I'd be in his city within 3 hours,
then headed back onto the highway.
The sun was high in the sky and was hot and I began to get sleepy. I thought about pulling over to take a nap since I hadn't slept at all on the drive yet, but when I looked for a place to nap I realized that Wyoming around I-80 has no trees as far as you can see. There was no shade anywhere and I sure as hell wasn't going to nap in a hot car so I just kept driving.
I made it to Colorado, followed my GPS through the somewhat familiar streets of Fort Collins and out onto I-25. Then I noticed that I was in Colorado and the drivers here are not to be trusted and so I got on my guard. I looked at the highway though and thought that maybe if Colorado would build a highway wider than 2 lanes people wouldn't seem to drive so terribly here. Maybe they would even get along on the road.
When I got to Nate's house he wasn't home. I couldn't sign onto his wifi either, and I had no phone service, so I was in a predicament. I went to find free wifi and couldn't find it for the life of me. Everything was protected. Even the coffee shop didn't have wifi and the surrounding nets were all protected, including the library. I eventually drove a long way to a coffee shop that I thought Nate would be at, but he wasn't. In fact, nobody was because it was out of business. Like a gift from God though, I was blessed with an open wifi signal and I used it to check facebook where I got a message from Nate telling me he wouldn't be home and I should go to his office on Pearl Street in downtown Boulder.
Boulder was different than I expected. It was more like a normal tourist Colorado mountain town than I had imagined. It was clean. Even the hippies were clean, which was weird. It was rich and expensive and had lots of nice things and people who owned nice things walking around talking and riding bikes and shopping. It's definitely an active place. It seems like a place for people who love the activity of city life but don't like the city.
I went into Nate's office and met some co-workers of his. Then I went to their meditation room, or something like that where there were pillows and Tibetan prayer flags, and tried to take a nap but I couldn't sleep even though I'd been awake for over 28 hours by then. Instead I did online things, made some plans, called Fava, played with cameras. Then we went out for dinner.
It was me, Nate and his buddy Chris who had just gotten back from traveling around Japan, Australia and New Zealand for 3 weeks. We had a good conversation about traveling and some of the interesting differences and awesome experiences that go with it. When the bill came I thought we were in Malaysia, but in fact the price was in dollars and really was that expensive. I remembered a life I used to live where I had a job and hence had money and had no cares about spending $30 on dinner every day. I need to not do that right now.
Nate and I cruised back to his apartment, which I'd never seen before, and chatted a little before I realized my clock was an hour earlier than it was and thought that we should go to bed. Nate went to bed but then I couldn't sleep so I stayed up and wrote this. I am next going to write Tien, then I am going to shower, and then I am going to get a good night's sleep that will be a proper finale to 39 consecutive waking hours.